Choosing a construction site monitoring tool

Alobees, a web and mobile application for site monitoring, explains how to choose your construction site monitoring tool.

Franck Sousa
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Choosing a construction site monitoring tool

In the construction sector, optimize site monitoring is essential. This article details the tools available for this purpose. It highlights their characteristics, advantages, and limitations. From the traditional paper-based method to modern digital solutions, here is an analysis of each of them to find out which one best suits your needs.

Why work with site monitoring tools adapted to your needs?

In the building sector, the success of a structure is inseparable from effective site management. For construction professionals, managing several projects at the same time is a daily challenge, where respecting deadlines and budgets is essential.

Digitalization is profoundly changing the planning and coordination of construction sites. Faced with increased competition, the adoption of digital tools both flexible and intuitive has become necessary, both for artisans and for SMEs.

These tools are essential to effectively meet the expectations of project owners or project managers and:

  • Improve the management of your projects,
  • Increase your efficiency,
  • Maintaining a competitive edge.

The important elements to see in your site monitoring

In the construction sector, choosing a digital tool to manage construction sites requires lending special attention to criteria essential to efficiency and productivity. A powerful tool is thus characterized by several key functionalities, including:

  • Construction site planning: the tool must make it possible to effectively manage the planning of your teams on site, ensuring optimal organization of resources and time.
  • Real-time tracking: the ability to visualize the progress of work via interactive dashboards is fundamental for continuous information.
  • Organization of tasks: an effective software must make it possible to classify and order tasks by category or by project, ensuring optimized visibility and control.
  • Facilitated communication: The ability to instantly share notes, photos, and comments with the team enhances collaboration and responsiveness.
  • Simplified reports: generating digital reports for detailed monitoring helps maintain ecological and paperless management.
  • Strengthened collaboration: a tool that allows smooth and fast communication between construction managers, workers and suppliers is important for strengthening coordination and optimizing processes.
  • Customer centralization: bringing together all the information from project owners in one place facilitates access and improves customer relationship management.
  • Optimized document management: the centralization of key site documents, such as measurements, PPSPS, and plans, facilitates organization and reinforces operational efficiency.

These features go beyond simple administrative management, helping businesses focus on what really matters: their growth and development.

Criteria to take into account when choosing a construction site monitoring tool

The site monitoring tool must not only be integrated into current working methods, but also reinforce efficiency and financial management. Here are the key aspects to consider.

Costs and budgets

The use of construction site monitoring software involves a monthly cost, unlike paper and pen, which are economical but less effective. For other solutions, WhatsApp offers a free basic version, while Excel requires an initial investment and Google Sheets may become chargeable depending on the number of users.

It is essential to consider that the use of construction site monitoring software promotes saving time and efficiency. This has a positive impact on the profitability of your projects and results in a significant return on investment.

The functionalities of the tool

It is important to choose a construction site monitoring tool adapted to your company's working methods, which is easily integrated into your processes and offers customizable options for your specific needs.

For example, effective task management should make it possible to:

  • Plan the necessary resources,
  • Determine priorities at each stage,
  • Automate the sending of notifications.

For document management, choose secure cloud storage. It is also important to have a system that allows the team to access the most recent versions of documents.

The ease of handling

The ergonomics of the tool is essential. An intuitive user interface Helps to handle it and encourages its use by the whole team. Training courses or tutorials, online support and responsive customer service can greatly facilitate the integration of the tool into the daily life of the team.

It is also important that the tool is accessible on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets, for convenient use on construction sites. A well-thought-out interface increases productivity and reduces potential errors.

The various existing site monitoring tools

Choosing the right site monitoring tool is therefore essential for the success of projects. The options vary from traditional paper to specialized software. Here are their pros and cons:

Construction site monitoring on paper

Tracking on paper is at first glance the easiest, but present nonetheless serious disadvantages. The loss of documents, pens that don't work, difficulties in updating, and the lack of digital backup limit its effectiveness. The accumulation of paper can also cause storage and organization problems, not to mention the environmental impact.

Site monitoring by message, or Whatsapp

WhatsApp and other messaging systems offer fast communication, but are not suitable for structured project management. Discussions can get confusing, and the absence of specific functionalities such as the prioritization of tasks reduces their usefulness for rigorous site monitoring.

Email platforms don't always guarantee the security and confidentiality required for business data.

Site monitoring on spreadsheets via Excel or Google Sheets

Excel and Google Sheets (with Google Drive) offer great flexibility and allow for extensive customization of site monitoring. But their complexity increases with the size of the project and requires advanced mastery to avoid errors and version conflicts.

Using these tools can be difficult for workers less familiar with spreadsheets, which can limit their effectiveness in the field. The security of shared data is also a concern.

Alobees, the mobile application for site monitoring

Alobees, construction site monitoring application, is a digital site management platform, designed for small and medium-sized construction companies.

The software offers management and monitoring of work in real time, as well as optimized organization. It also has an intuitive interface and free customer support.

Some of its features:

  • Documentary centralization: Gather all the essential documents, from prevention plans to meeting minutes.
  • Off-road access: connect from the construction site, the office, or on the go.
  • Facilitated communication: easily share information using dedicated tools and project-based news feeds.
  • Scheduling management: plan your human and material resources effectively.
  • Task tracking: precisely monitor the progress of the work.
  • Intervention management: consult the employee agenda in real time and create intervention reports.
  • Control of working hours: Track hours worked for optimal management of labor costs.
  • Simplified management of payroll variables: facilitate the collection of payroll variables in the field.

Comparison of the various construction site monitoring tools:

Possible, but disorganized

Comparison of tools and their functionalities accessible to a company for a construction project


Monitoring on paper

Monitoring by messaging (WhatsApp)

Monitoring on spreadsheet (Excel/Google Sheets)


Real-time management



Yes, but depends on an upgrade. manual day



Manual and static

Informal and unstructured

Structured, but complex

Structured and intuitive

Upgrade day

Difficult and time-consuming

Easy but disorganized

Easy with advanced user knowledge

Simplified and automatic

Information sharing

Risk and slow

Instant, but disorganized

Possible, but risky without strict file management

Secure and efficient

In real time

Security data


Varies depending on platform

Medium, depends on security practices


Customer Support


To ensure that messaging works

To ensure the spreadsheet works

Free and unlimited

Collaboration between users

Limited by physical media

Possible with access management

Facilitated by dedicated features

Job tracking features



Limited without customization

Numerous and specialized


Cost of materials and storage

Free, available less resort to WhatsApp Business

Cost of software licenses

Monthly subscription per user


Physical only

Mobile and desktop

Mobile (difficult to use) and computer

Mobile and desktop

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