OPRs: Pre-Reception Operations

OPRs play an important role in ensuring the satisfaction of the contractor and the contracting authority. They ensure the conformity and the quality of the work. This article details the procedures to follow, the documents to prepare, and the best practices. It also gives advice to avoid pitfalls and to enable a successful site reception.

Erwan Baynaud
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OPRs: Pre-Reception Operations

OPRs play an important role in ensuring the satisfaction of the contractor and the contracting authority. They ensure the conformity and the quality of the work. This article details the procedures to follow, the documents to prepare, and the best practices. It also gives advice to avoid pitfalls and to enable a successful site reception.

Presentation of OPRs

OPRs consist in verifying the conformity of the work with the plans and requirements of the project. Here's how to pass these essential checks.

Definition of pre-reception operations (OPR)

Pre-Reception Operations (OPR) are control steps stipulated by article 41 of the CCAG (Book of General Administrative Clauses). They take place before the final acceptance of a site to confirm that the construction meets the plans and specifications of the project, and that all work meets the requirements.

OPRs may include:

  • Quality inspection materials and labour,
  • The verification of compliance to the standards and regulations in force,
  • Performance tests,
  • Resistance and tightness tests, to ensure that the structure is functional and durable.

These checks are generally carried out by a project manager or an independent expert. The success of OPRs is in principle a necessary condition To the final reception of the building And at the Signature of the minutes (PV) of reception of the work, by the project owner.

To report on these transactions, use the EXE4 form, available on the Government site. For the report of acceptance of the work, fill out the EXE8 form.

OPRs are the starting point for legal guarantees

Construction OPRs are required to activate legal guarantees, including:

  • La guarantee of perfect completion : it requires companies to repair all the disorders reported during the year following the reception of the work.
  • The guarantee of proper functioning: its duration is two years. It concerns equipment and requires the manufacturer to repair and replace faulty separable components. It only applies to disorders that are not apparent at the time of reception of the work.
  • The ten-year guarantee: it is active for 10 years after receipt. The builder must repair damage that was not detectable upon acceptance, as well as damage that compromises the solidity of the structure or makes it unsuitable for its intended purpose.

They are essential for protect the project owner.

Are OPRs mandatory?

In France, OPRs are not mandatory in themselves, but the final acceptance of the building cannot be granted only after their complete success.

In practice, OPRs are therefore often considered indispensable, because they condition the final acceptance of the construction project. Sometimes some OPRs are omitted or executed incorrectly, which may result in a refusal of final acceptance.

Process of OPR

OPRs respect a structured process. Here are the steps to follow.

  1. The reception request

The project manager or company responsible for the work does The Request for the acceptance of the work by informing the project owner of the end date of the construction site. Before the site visit, the parties concerned must jointly draw up the list of OPRs to be carried out.

Here is an example of a list of OPRs for a fictional interior paint lot:

  • Color and texture check: check that the color and texture of the paint comply with the project specifications.
  • Adhesion tests: carry out spot tests to verify that the paint adheres properly to the surface without peeling off.
  • Resistance checks: perform tests to assess the resistance of the paint to scratches or impacts.
  1. The summons

The summons takes place at the end of the work or on the date requested by the contractor (if different). The project owner and the contractors contractors are called to the site with the documents relating to the OPR. Note that suppliers and subcontractors are not invited.

  1. Site visit and possible issuance of reserves

At the end of the inspection, a report is drawn up to record the work carried out, any defects and the conditions for the closure of the site. The PV should include:

  • The market reference and the names of the players,
  • The date of drawing up the report of acceptance of the work,
  • The building concerned,
  • The persons present or represented,
  • The persons summoned but absent,
  • The list of checks carried out,
  • Information on the work, including the services performed and the non-performance,
  • Information on the rehabilitation of the site,
  • The list of reservations or apparent defects,
  • The signature of all the companies present. If a company refuses to sign, it must mention this on the minutes.

If necessary, you can use the example provided by the FFB as Work acceptance report template.

  1. Final acceptance of the site

If the report confirms that all OPRs are in accordance with expectations, the contracting authority can declare the final acceptance of the work. The work was then officially completed and delivered. At this stage, several important actions need to be carried out:

  • PV signature: the project owner, the companies concerned and possibly the project manager sign the report of acceptance of the work.
  • Administrative closure: finalization of all administrative aspects of the project, including the delivery of inventory plans, maintenance manuals and the necessary certifications.
  • Final payment: final payment of amounts due to contracting companies, in accordance with the terms of the contract.

As indicated above, the responsibility for the work is transferred from the companies to the contracting authority. So it also scores The start of legal guarantees.

OPR challenges

OPRs ensure that construction works meet expectations and standards. They reduce the risk of future defects.

The objectives of OPRs

Pre-Acceptance Operations (OPR) aim to ensure that all construction work has been completed in accordance with expectations and standards. According to article 41 of the CCAG (Cahier des Clauses Administratives Générales) applicable to public contracts, OPRs include:

  • Recognition of the works carried out: that is to say check that all the work complies with the plans and specifications.
  • The tests planned by the market: ensure the functionality and conformity of structures and installations.
  • The finding of services not carried out: identify services that have not been performed.
  • The verification of the conditions for installing the equipment: ensure the correct installation of the equipment to validate their warranty.
  • The detection of defects and imperfections: identify and correct defects before final acceptance.
  • Rehabilitation of land and redeployment of facilities: check that the site is left in good condition.
  • Findings relating to the completion of the work: confirm that all work has been completed in accordance with contractual requirements.

As detailed above, these operations are recorded in a report written by the project owner. The document is required to validate the final acceptance of the project. OPRs thus guarantee the quality and durability of construction.

OPRs must be validated before signing the PV

Before the start of work, the project owner selects building companies following a call for tenders and signs a construction contract with them. Each of them is committed to respect its contractual obligations.

Pre-Acceptance Operations play an essential role in this: they make it possible to verify that all work meet the requirements prior to final acceptance. Once the OPRs have been completed and any corrections made, the acceptance report can be signed. All parties officially acknowledge that the project is over. The project owner becomes the full owner and responsible for the work.

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