The list of reserves

On a construction site, managing reserve lists can be complex and time-consuming. This article gives you practical tips for creating, managing, and processing them effectively. Find out how to simplify and secure the delivery of your work.

Franck Sousa
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The list of reserves

On a construction site, managing reserve lists can be complex and time-consuming. This article gives you practical tips for creating, managing, and processing them effectively. Find out how to simplify and secure the delivery of your work.

What is a reserve list?

The reserve list is a control document that List books to be completed or corrected Before the final acceptance of the work. It includes defects and finishes that do not comply with the specifications, installation defects and necessary corrections. Reserves generally relate to minor works, as major defects are treated urgently as the site progresses.

Examples of reserves:

  • Correction of a door that does not close properly,
  • Cracked tile repair,
  • Adjustment of faulty electrical installations,
  • Garden debris removal.

The contractor must ensure That all reservations are removed prior to the final inspection.

How is a reserve list developed?

Identifying faults helps avoid delays and additional costs. Here are the steps you need to take to create a reserve list.

Preparing for the reception visit

Preparing for the reception visit is fundamental. The project manager (or the general contractor's work supervisor) organizes this visit in collaboration with all stakeholders. The project owner and the construction managers of each company are called upon. They fix together the objectives and the scope of the inspection.

Before the visit, the contractor Make sure to gather the documents, such as plans and the CCTP (Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particular), and to control all aspects related to the project.

Conduct of the reception visit

The reception visit allows you to carry out a complete inspection of the work. The various stakeholders, including the architect and project owner, participate. They identify issues that need to be resolved and examine any discrepancies with the specifications.

During this visit, each defect is noted in order to be included in the reservation list.

Drafting the reserve list

After the visit, the contractor draws up the list of reservations. It lists each defect identified, with its description, location, and recommendations to fix it.

The reserves are organized by location, by order of priority or by category (security, aesthetics, the body of state concerned, etc.).

Validation and follow-up

Once written, the list of concerns is presented to stakeholders for validation. A plan is drawn up to lift them up. A deadline is set for each company.

Reservations do not systematically prevent the signing of the acceptance report. She may be conditional on their lifting. The project owner may also refuse to accept the work if he considers that the contract has not been respected.

The responsibility of each of the stakeholders

The lifting of reservations requires the intervention of several actors, in particular those of the project owner and the project manager (or the general contractor).

Project management

The project owner must be present at the end of the project to Inspect completed buildings. He visits the construction site to review the work, give instructions and make requests. They are then added to the reserve list.

The project manager or the general contractor's work supervisor

The project manager (or the general contractor's work supervisor) holds a central role. It acts as an intermediary between the project owner and the companies.

Its responsibilities are as follows:

  • Integrate requests and comments from the project owner to the reserve list,
  • Review current tasks and add any additional items to the list,
  • Assign corrections to companies or subcontractors,
  • Set a time limit realistic for the latest work of companies,
  • Guarantee the lifting of all reservations before the visit at the end of the construction site.

Businesses (or subcontractors)

During the work reception visit, construction managers must be ready to answer questions concerning their lot (or building). A list of corrections to be carried out within a specific time is then communicated to them.

The architect

If he does not play the role of project manager, the architect attends the end of the site visit to confirm that the construction is in conformity. He then works closely with the contractor and the project owner to discuss and resolve any discrepancies with respect to the original plans.

How can we improve the process of creating and using defect lists?

Here are some tips to make the process of creating defect lists more efficient and smooth.

  • Establishment of a checklist at the start of construction: Establish a checklist early on in the project to correct problems as work progresses.
  • Documentation and photography of progress: be sure to record the main stages of work progress. This can be used as evidence in case of disputes.
  • Regular inspections: Use the checklist to conduct frequent inspections and ensure that quality and safety standards are met.
  • Limit access: Close access to parts of the construction site that have already been completed. Only allow businesses that have some work left over. Take precautions to protect completed works.
  • Digital management solutions: use appropriate management tools to facilitate the monitoring of the site, centralize information and improve collaboration between stakeholders.
  • Assignment of tasks: be specific in allocating corrections related to the reserve list. Designate the bodies of state concerned, with clear deadlines, and ensure their execution.

Alobees, an application that can help you

Alobees is a construction site monitoring application which makes it possible to optimize the management of works. It offers functionalities adapted to the needs of construction companies:

  • Centralization of documentation: Bring all important documents together in one place, from the CCTP to the plans to the minutes of meetings.
  • Accessibility: access schedules and documents whether you are on the construction site, in the office or on the go.
  • Communication: facilitate exchanges with sharing tools and news feeds specific to each project.
  • Scheduling management: effectively plan the use of your human and material resources to meet the requirements of the construction site.
  • Task tracking: precisely monitor the progress of field work to ensure compliance with deadlines and quality standards.
  • Intervention management: access your teams' agenda in real time and create intervention reports.
  • Hourly tracking: monitor hours worked to better manage labour costs
  • Management of payroll variables: simplify the collection of payroll variables from field employees.

Try Alobees free for 14 days and discover how the software can facilitate the management of your construction projects.

Pitfalls to avoid when creating and using defect lists

Here are some pitfalls to avoid when managing a reserve list:

  • Lack of clarity: Make sure you clearly define the terms used in the reserve lists. Misinterpretation can lead to confusion and litigation.
  • Lack of details: reservations must be explained in a precise and detailed manner. Avoid vague or incomplete descriptions that can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Incorrectly assessed deadlines: it is necessary to set realistic deadlines for the lifting of reservations. Businesses could get discouraged if they are too short.
  • Poor monitoring of surveys: Establish a monitoring system to ensure that each reservation is properly treated in a timely manner.
  • Non-compliance with legal standards: the structures must comply with the regulations in force to prevent complications. You need to know them!

Rigorous management of reserve lists is essential for the signing of the Receiving report. Do not take it lightly and, above all, equip yourself with the right tools!

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